Faculty & Affiliates
Students will have the opportunity to study with distinguished faculty from departments and programs in the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters.
Executive Committee:
Eric Berlatsky
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
Department of English
Laura Backstrom
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Alan Berger
Endowed Chair
Raddock Family Eminent Scholar Chair for Holocaust Studies
Jewish Studies
Ann Branaman
Professor and Chair
Department of Sociology
Susan Love Brown
Department of Anthropology
Frédéric Conrod
Associate Professor
Department of Languages, Linguistics & Comparative Literature
Sika Dagbovie-Mullins
Associate Professor
Department of English
Director of the Ph. D. Program in Comparative Studies
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Mary Ann Gosser-Esquilin
Professor of Spanish and Caribbean Literature
Department of Languagues, Lingustics, and Comparative Literature
Mehmet Gurses
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Political Science
Taylor Hagood
Associate Professor
Department of English
Michael J. Horswell
Dean, College of Arts and Letters
Associate Professor
Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Karen Leader
Associate Professor
Department of Visual Arts and Art History
Chris Robe
School of Communication and Media Studies
Ilaria Serra
Associate Professor
Department of Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature
William Trapani
Associate Professor
School of Communication and Media Studies
Faculty Affiliates:
Robert Don Adams, Department of English
Lynn Appleton, Department of Sociology
Farshad Araghi, Department of Sociology
Thomas S. Atkins, Department of Theatre and Dance
Prisca Augustyn, German Studies
Marina Banchetti, Department of Philosophy
Barclay Barrios, Department of English
Evan Bennett, Department of History
Alan Berger, Jewish Studies
Eric Berlatsky, Department of English
Josephine Beoku-Betts, Center for Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Géraldine Blattner, French Studies
Ann Branaman, Department of Sociology
Boyd Breslow, Department of History
Amy Broderick, Department of Visual Arts and Art History
Clifford Brown, Anthropology
Sarah H. Brown, Department of History
Susan Love Brown, Department of Anthropology
A. Papatya Bucak, Department of English
Oliver S. Buckton, Department of English
Mary M. Cameron, Anthropology
Jane Caputi, Center for Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Carla Carlage, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Heather Coltman, Department of Music
Frederic Conrod, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
James Cunningham, Department of Music
Sika Dagbovie-Mullins, Department of English
Patricia Darlington, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Marshall DeRosa, Department of Political Science
Michaela DiCosola, Department of Visual Arts and Art History
Nannetta Durnell-Uwechue, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Stephen D. Engle, Department of History
Arthur Evans, Department of Sociology
Mary Faraci, Department of English
Patricia Fleitas, Department of Music
Andrew Furman, Department of English
Desmond Gallant, Department of Theatre and Dance
Yolanda Gamboa, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Barbara Ganson, Department of History
Simon Glynn, Department of Philosophy
Nuria Godón, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Mary Ann Gosser-Esquilín, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Lauren E. Guilmette, Department of Philosophy
Anthony Guneratne, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Mehmet Gurses, Department of Political Science
Taylor Hagood, Department of English
Eric Hanne, Department of History
Michael S. Harris, Anthropology
Clevis Headley, Department of Philosophy
Wendy Hinshaw, Department of English
Kenneth W. Holloway, Department of History
Mirya Holman, Department of Political Science
Michael J. Horswell, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Philip Hough, Department of Sociology
Linda Johnson, Department of Visual Arts and Art History
Douglas Kanter, Department of History
Ken Keaton, Department of Music
Viktor Kharlamov, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Dukhong Kim, Department of Political Science
Patricia A. Kollander, Department of History
Gvozden (Den) Kopani, Department of Theatre and Dance
Karen Leader, Department of Visual Arts and Art History
John Leeds, Department of English
Rebecca Susan LeMoine, Department of Political Science
Timothy Lenz, Department of Political Science
Patricia Liehr, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing
Kristen Lindbeck, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Jennifer Low, Department of English
Benno P. Lowe, Department of History
Noemi Marin, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Francis X. McAfee, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Brian E. McConnell, Department of Visual Arts and Art History
Douglas McGetchin, Department of History
Carol McGuirk, Department of English
Becka McKay, Department of English
Martha Mendoza, Language, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Susan Mitchell, Department of English
Jeffrey Morton, Department of Political Science
Becky Mulvaney, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Marcella L. Munson, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Angela Nichols, Department of Political Science
Sandra Norman, Department of History
James Novak, Department of Visual Arts and Art History
Manjunath Pendakur, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Kevin M. Petrich, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Nancy Poulson, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Kyle Prescott, Department of Music
Robert Rabil, Department of Political Science
Susan Smith Reilly, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Chris Robé, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Mark H. Rose, Department of History
Marsha Shapiro Rose, Department of Sociology
Myriam Ruthenberg, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Miriam Sanua-Dalin, Department of History
Jason Schwartz, Department of English
Edward Schwerin, Department of Political Science
Christine Scodari, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Ilaria Serra, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Kelly Shannon, Department of History
Renat Shaykhutdinov, Department of Political Science
Richard M. Shusterman, Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Humanities
Kevin Wagner, Political Science
Timothy Walters, Department of Music
Patricia Widener, Department of Sociology
David Cratis Williams, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Thomas C. Wilson, Department of Sociology
Justin White, Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Resident visiting faculty have included the following:
- Linda Martín Alcoff, Syracuse University, feminist philosopher
- Gloria Anzaldúa, University of California Santa Cruz, Chicana writer
- Susan Buck-Morss, Cornell University, art critic and social theorist
- Randy Conner, University of California at Berkeley, queer theorist
- Nawal El Saadawi, Cairo, Egypt, activist and novelist
- Stanley Fish, University of Illinois, Chicago, scholar and theorist of literature and law
- Anna Camaiti Hostert, La Sapienza University, literary scholar
- Vincent Leitch, University of Oklahoma, literary and cultural theorist
- Jane Shaw, Oxford theologian and Episcopalian priest
- Dessima Williams, Brandeis University, Caribbean women’s rights advocate
Lecturers have included the following:
- Anthony Appiah
- Drucilla Cornell
- Jeffrey Escoffier
- Jack Goody
- Christopher Hitchins
- Russell Jacoby
- Juliet Mitchell
- Val Plumwood
- Jeremy Rifkin
There are also regular visits from leading environmentalists, bioethicists, journalists, political figures, novelists, poets and cultural critics.