Laura Backstrom


Laura Backstrom

Associate Professor of Sociology

Phone: (561) 297-3270
Office: CU 259/Boca Campus

Research: Social Problems, Culture, Social Interaction, Gender, Sexuality, Sociology of the Body, Childhood, Family, Deviance, Qualitative Methods
Teaching: Self and Society, Youth and Society, The Social Construction of Sexuality, Sociology of the Body

          Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Laura Backstrom joined the faculty of the sociology department at FAU in 2016 after earning her Ph.D. from Indiana University. Her current research focuses on how living in a small city shapes the views and experiences of parents. At FAU, Professor Backstrom’s contribution to the sociology department’s curriculum centers on the areas of the family, childhood, the body, and the self. Her courses are writing-centered and challenge students to apply research skills to the course’s topic. She regularly teaches Self and Society, Youth and Society, and Sociology of the Body at the undergraduate level. Professor Backstrom is currently the Director of the BA Honors Program for the sociology department. Her graduate seminars include Research Methods and Design, Sociology of Childhood, and Sociology of the Family. Professor Backstrom enjoys working with graduate students on their research projects through Directed Independent Study projects and serving on MA thesis committees.