Eric Dumbaugh, Ph.D.


Professor,  Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Associate Director, Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety , Associate Editor,  Journal of the American Planning Association
(404) 429-6757 | Office: SO 284 D
Curriculum Vitae | Google Scholar 

Eric Dumbaugh, Ph.D., is the Associate Director of the Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety and an Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Planning Association. His work spans the domain of urban transportation, including planning, policy, engineering, and design.

Dr. Dumbaugh has directed $3 million in externally-supported research activities, and has received the profession’s premier scholarly accolades, including best paper awards from Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science and the Journal of the American Planning Association, among others.

Dr. Dumbaugh has a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, as well as Masters Degrees in both Civil Engineering and Urban and Regional Planning. He is most proud of his Bachelor’s degree in English from Florida State University, which provided an unexpected and ideal foundation for his subsequent career.